Il Palazzo comunale di Campovico fu costruito tra il 1912 e il 1913, grazie all’aumento delle entrate dovute alla costruzione della
centrale idroelettrica per produrre energia per la linea ferroviaria. Durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale venne trasformato in caserma. In seguito all’accorpamento del Comune di Campovico a quello di Morbegno nel 1938, il Palazzo è stato destinato ad
uso esclusivamente scolastico. Il Palazzo è stato oggetto di ben due significative opere di ristrutturazione: nel 1982 nel 2016.
Oggi l’istituto è intitolato all’artista locale Giacomo Parravicini detto il Gianolo ( 1660 –1729).
The building, designed by the engineer Giuseppe Buzzetti, was intended to house both the primary school and the Town Hall. The increased revenues from the property taxes on the hydroelectric power station, which was built on the municipal land of Campovico, were a crucial factor in the construction of the school. The construction work, begun in 1912, was completed in the
following year. Not only was the school the seat of the nursery school and teachers’ accommodation, but, during the Great War,
it also became the army barracks. From 1938 on, after the unification of the municipalities of Campovico and Morbegno, the building was only used as a school.
Das Schulgebäude in Campovico
Das Gebäude wurde von dem Ingenieur Giuseppe Buzzetti für die Schule und das Rathaus erbaut und es wurde durch die besonderen Steuern von dem Wasserkraftwerk in Campovico finanziert. Die Bauarbeiten fingen 1912 an und endeten im folgenden Jahr. Das Gebäude war der Sitz des Kindergartens und Wohnung der Lehrer. Während des ersten Weltkrieges wurde zur Kaserne. Von 1938 an, nach der Vereinigung von Morbegno und Campovico, wurde das Gebäude nur als Schule benutzt